Friday, May 3, 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

[tree of life poster]

(See the previous post.) 
Another Lemonite image. Good for cupcake toppers, for example.

I also made this tree of life poster and printed it size 20 x 30". When the Primary children give talks, they will write their name on the fruit and stick it on the tree. (Yes, it should be white but I couldn't find a white tree image to use.)


Sunday, January 7, 2024

[Defeat the Lemonites Primary activity]


As I was browsing for ideas for our Book of Mormon theme Primary activity, somewhere I saw the idea of Lemonites (Lamanites). The first image can be used for the invite. Here are some ideas we have so far for our activity:

Print large Lemonites on cardstock. Tape to the gym floor (with painters' tape, of course) and cover with a clear plastic tablecloth. Use beanbags to "defeat the Lemonites (if you land the beanbag on the lemon).

We are making Nephi's bow and arrows using q-tips and small elastics. We will tape Lemonites on the wall and the children can try to shoot at them. The tutorial can be found here:

We are going to have some sort of sword fighting activity as well using pool noodles as swords.

Of course you'll have to serve lemonade and other lemon related treats.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

[treat ticket]


I got a new calling - Primary secretary. I'm excited. I have always loved Primary. 

I made these Birthday treat tickets. The child's name goes on the dotted line and they have a chance to get used to visiting with the bishop.

I also made assignment bracelets:

I'm going to get some cute stickers so that these can easily be wrapped on the children's wrists. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

[be ye therefore perfect]


..."Jesus did not intend His sermon on this subject (be ye therefore perfect) to be a verbal hammer for battering us about our shortcomings. No, I believe He intended it to be a tribute to who and what God the Eternal Father is and what we can achieve with Him in eternity."

..."Sister Darla Isackson, has observed that Satan has somehow managed to make covenants and commandments seem like curses and condemnations. For some he has turned the ideals and inspiration of the gospel into self-loathing and misery-making."

..."we should not demean or vilify ourselves, as if beating up on ourselves is somehow going to make us the person God wants us to become. No! With a willingness to repent and a desire for increased righteousness always in our hearts, I would hope we could pursue personal improvement in a way that doesn't include getting ulcers or anorexia, feeling depressed or demolishing our self-esteem. That is not what the Lord wants for Primary children or anyone else who honestly sings, "I'm trying to be like Jesus"."

"Our only hope for true perfection is in receiving it as a gift from heaven - we can't "earn" it."

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
October 2017 General Conference

Saturday, January 14, 2023

[nativity story questionnaire]

Come Follow Me, Matthew 2 & Luke 2 



Who requested that everyone should be taxed?

A  The governor

B  The Roman emperor

C  The king of Judea


Bethlehem is

A  in Galilee

B  in Judaea

C  right next to Nazareth

D  right next to Jerusalem


The angel appeared to the shepherds

A  The next day Jesus was born

B  The same day Jesus was born

C  At nighttime

D  In the morning

E  We don’t know


How did the shepherds know how to find Jesus?

A  The star showed them where Jesus was.

B  The baby was in a manger.

C  The innkeeper showed where Jesus was.

D  The baby was wrapped in swaddling clothes.


What happened when Jesus was 8 days old?

A  They had to escape to Egypt.

B  The wise men visited Jesus.

C  Jesus was legally named Jesus.

D  Jesus was circumcised.

E  Jesus was baptized.


What happened when Jesus was 41 days old?

A  Mary and Joseph brought a lamb to be sacrificed at the temple.

B  Mary and Joseph presented Jesus at the temple.

C  An old man recognized Jesus as the Christ.

D  An old woman recognized Jesus as the Christ.

E  They went to a feast in Jerusalem.


What feast did Jesus’ family attend every year in Jerusalem?

A  The Feast of Tabernacles

B  The Feast of Unleavened Bread

C  The Feast of the Passover

D  The Harvest Feast

E  The Feast of Purim



How long was Jesus alone in Jerusalem when he was 12 years old?

A  One day.

B  Two days.

C  More than three days.


How old was Jesus when the wise men visited Him?

A  A newborn.

B  A little baby.

C  Young child of 1-2 years old.

D  Young child of 2-3 years old.

E  Young child of 3-5 years old.


Why didn’t the wise men return to King Herod?

A  They were in a hurry to get home.

B  An angel told them to go to Egypt.

C  They were warned in a dream not to go back to him.

D  They were afraid to go back to him so they decided not to go.


Why did Joseph take his family to Egypt?

A  There was more work there.

B  He was warned in a dream to flee there.

C  An angel appeared to him and warned him to go there.


Why did Joseph bring them back to Israel from Egypt?

A  King Herod was dead.

B  They missed home and it was time to return.

C  An angel told him in a dream to go back.

D  An angel appeared to him and said they should go back to Bethlehem.


Why did they move to Nazareth instead of Bethlehem?

A  Joseph was warned in a dream not to go to Bethlehem.

B  They were afraid of the King of Judea.

C  There was more work in Nazareth.

D  Nazareth was their home.

E  To fulfill a prophecy.

F  Nazareth was the main city where everyone wanted to live.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

[Isaiah 41:10 and 1:18]


Missed posting this for the Sunday School week lesson but maybe someone can still use it sometime. Not that anyone ever seems to visit my blog... :D

Isaiah 41:10 and 1:18

D+2 = F
H-3 = E
...and so on.